Monday, June 14, 2010


 Praises be given for our refrigerator shelf plentiful in processed meats perfect for a genuine Mantanan.

The Slippery Otter, located in the Yellowstone Park Inn and Suites (one of the hotels where we work), emits ridiculous drunken sounds that help break the tension when Asian tour buses arrive and start screaming at you all at once.  

Some pancakes that came from batter so thick that it had to be forcibly spread on the griddle by tugging it on all sides.  

Jake's Chicken Curry Sundays always elevate our level of culture in our little family unit.  The flowers were found growing in the sidewalk cracks by our front door.

Aww that's nice.


That seems a bit more accurate.


  1. "a meth watch community."
    too appropriate

  2. HA ha So I am sitting here at my computer this morning and for some reason remembered the text I got telling me about this amazing blog. ha ha Wow is all I have to say. I mean really?? really are there just buffalo sitting at the park? odd. But it looks like you guys are all having a blast!! Give Tina a big huge hug for me k? when do you venture back here to civilization?
