Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pigeon Predicament

There are many bizarre occurrences at the front desk.

One morn at the Yellowstone Country Inn, numerous concerned guests made phone calls concerning an "injured bird" wandering along the second floor stairwell.  Descriptions of the battered bird ranged from a "baby raptor" to a "full-grown duck."
With paperwork to file, maintainence issues to resolve, people to check out, and keys to collect - the desk clerk kindly explained to each guest that he would resolve the problem when able to do so.

Viewing this phone response unsuitable, one impatient vacationer entered the front office (amidst the turmoil of many ill-tempered tourists), set the wounded winged creature atop the desk and left.  The room became silent as every head turned towards the bird - a crippled and contaminated pigeon.  Eyes widened and faces grew further sour.  The clerk could sense possible lawsuits lurking in the air. 

Though the man had used a towel to transport the bird from the balcony to the office, he had not provided anyway of containing or caging it.  The clerk quickly emptied the contents of a cardboard box and fiddled with the fowl until it was secure and somewhat out of sight.

Business continued as usual despite the squawking shifting brown box in the corner.  The office door opened and closed with each departure as the clerk pondered what was to be done with the new company pet. His shift would not end for another seven hours.  Just then, the windows of heaven were opened as was the office door, revealing the solution to the problem - Melissa Marshall.

Without hesitation, Melissa armed the box and bird like a NFL player about to score a touch down.  She then manned her bicycle and rode four blocks to the wildlife recovery center.  The bird died shortly after.

1 comment:

  1. bahahahahahhahahaaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    this made me laugh SO HARD. i love all of you, bird included.
